Affiliate Disclaimer

Hi  Hari Swami here. I’ve always believed in transparency on the web, therefore I’m announcing that I’ve put certain products and links to those things on my site for which I will receive a commission if you decide to make a purchase. My intention with this blog is to educate you on the opportunities that exist for a blogger in virtually any subject. However, please be aware that I am doing this as a for-profit business, and unless you have a humanitarian mission in mind, so should you.

At this point, it is practically hard to go back through the site and include every affiliate program with which I have an agreement. You should, therefore, presume that any links connecting you to items or services are affiliate links from which I will receive compensation. However, there are millions of internet products and services related to blogging and making money online. I only endorse products or services that I have thoroughly researched and believe will provide you with value. is a member in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Network, an affiliate advertising program designed to give sites the opportunity to earn advertising fees by promoting and referring to

Please note that nearly 99 percent of the time, I pay for these things with my own money and share my personal experiences with them.

If you have any queries about the preceding information, please do not hesitate to contact me through the contact page. It is accessible via the menu located above.

Cheers and best wishes!